Paper Wars

Gettysburg: Badge of Courage Columbia Games Ed McGran

Friedrich Histogames James Urban

The Big Push Against the Odds David Nicholas

PRESTAGS SPI Dav Vandenbroucke

Libertadores Alea
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Sales price £3.95

Excellent Condition Copy. Hint of staple rust from long-term storage.

Gettysburg: Badge of Courage Columbia Games Ed McGran
Friedrich Histogames James Urban
The Big Push Against the Odds David Nicholas
PRESTAGS SPI Dav Vandenbroucke
Libertadores Alea Kevin Donovan
Jours De Gloire Vae Victis Walt O'Hara
7 Ages Australian Design Group Allan Rothberg
Korea 1995 / 2005 Pacific Rim Publishing Terence Co
Great Battles of Alexander and Tyrant GMT Games, LLC David Newport
Kyivan Rus' Andy Malycky Douglas Jorenby
Three Battles of Manassas Multi-Man Publishing M. Evan Brooks
March on Rome Schutze Games Kevin C. Rohrer
The Seven Years World War Decision Games Robert Laing
Sakhalin 1945 Sunset Games Terence Co

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.