Operation Jupiter: Churchill’s Plan to Invade Norway, 1942 - Issue #76

An intermediate complexity, two-player wargame simulating the possible events that could have unfolded during the first 30 days of this planned but never run World War II campaign.
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Sales price £42.95
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Operation Jupiter: Churchill’s Plan to Invade Norway, 1942 (OJ) is an intermediate complexity, two-player wargame simulating the possible events that could have unfolded during the first 30 days of this planned but never run World War II campaign. The British prime minister had intended it as a strategic alternative for the Anglo-American invasion of French North Africa in November 1942 (Operation Torch). Operation Jupiter was envisioned by Churchill (as stated in his memorandum of May 1942) to be a second front (on a small scale) that would gain possession of the northern airfields in Norway and establish a force that would keep open the northern sea route to Russia.

A complete game takes from two to three hours to complete. Each hex on the map equals 10 miles (16.2 km) from side to opposite side. Each full turn represents three days. Every ground unit represents a regiment, brigade or division (or ad hoc equivalents) of about 2,500 to 12,000 men and/or 50 to 350 armored fighting vehicles.

Components: 22x34 inch map, 176 die-cut counters.