Iron Cross: Man-to-Man Combat on the Eastfront 1941-42

S&T #132 1/89

FYI A.A. Nofi

Iron Cross A. Vannoy

More Fighting in Beirut T. Kane

Morituri Te Salutanti! The Gladiators A.A. Nofi

Third World & the Proliferation of
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Sales price £21.95
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S&T #132 1/89

FYI A.A. Nofi
Iron Cross A. Vannoy
More Fighting in Beirut T. Kane
Morituri Te Salutanti! The Gladiators A.A. Nofi
Third World & the Proliferation of Weapons A.A. Nofi

Simulation: Iron Cross M. Sprock

Iron Cross is a man-to-man wargame covering infantry battles, on a tactical level, between German and Soviet forces in Russia during 1941-42.

The game includes three 12" X 18" geomorphic maps, 200 counters, and a 20 page rulebook.

The game has been called "the poor man's Squad Leader", but does a great job simulating small unit tactics in the six provided scenarios.

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.