Harpoon Naval Review 2003

96 Pages containing articles and scenarios pertaining to possible hot spots, along with new ship and aircraft forms plus related technical data.
Base price with tax
Sales price £15.95

2003 Harpoon Naval Review - Following the pattern established by the first three in this series, the 2003 HNR contains technical data on new platforms introduced during the past three years, modifications made to existing systems, weapons upgrades, etc. Articles and scenarios pertaining to possible hot spots along with new ship and aircraft forms round out the module.

96 Pages containing:


* Cuban Connection - US Coast Guard vs. Cuban Navy
* One size fits all? - Dutch ASW carrier group vs. Soviet SAG & submarines
* Indian Ocean Escort - NATO task group vs. Soviet submarine
* Operation Constrictor - Indian submarines vs. escorted MPS-2
* Eastern Exercise - PRC vs. Vietnam
* Little Wars: Myanmar and Thailand - Myanmar vs. Thailand
* Little Wars: Guyana and Surinam - Guyana vs. Surinam
* Send in the Marines! - US Expeditionary Strike Group 1 vs. Iranians


* Street fighter on trial (littoral combat)
* Australia's Navy in the 21st century
* China's next generation
* Keeping the US out of the Gulf
* Don't sink this sub!

Game related articles:

* Variable damage in Harpoon 4
* Weapon mount arcs vs. Directors arcs
* Rules and Annex errata
* 56 Harpoon Form 10s for several scenarios.
* 16 Harpoon Form 20s for several scenarios
* Naval counters on the back of the page (need to be cut and mounted)