General Magazine - The Eastern Front

General Vol.28, No.3 1993


FEATURE: The Eastern Front (RF, PB, UF,
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Good Condition (staples rusty)

General Vol.28, No.3 1993
FEATURE: The Eastern Front (RF, PB, UF, AF)

- ASL Scenario R: Butzevo. Burzevo, Russia, 2 Dec 1941.
- ASL Scenario G14: Tiger, Tiger. Chernichevo, Russia, 11 Feb 1943.
- Contest 162


A Steppe in the Right Direction
- The German First Turn in RUSSIAN FRONT R.Miller

Panzer Hunters
- Tactical Air Support for the PANZERBLITZ Series C.Schwamberger

New Expressions for a Familiar Face
- Six New Scenarios for PANZERBLITZ A.Arvold
28-3/1 Russian Infantry/Cavalry Assault, near Tula, 3 Dec 1941
28-3/2 Meeting Engagement, near Kharkov, 17 May 1942
28-3/3 Russian Delaying Action, Southern Russia 1942
28-3/4 German Attack on Organized Russian Defense, Kursk, 5 July 1943
28-3/5 Russian Armored Assault, Kharkov, 19 Aug 1943
28-3/6 Russian Armored Assault, Kustrin, 22 Mar 1945

Coming Attractions
- Auld Lang Syne D.Greenwood
Roadkill, Statis-Pro Basketball,
History of the World, Breakthrough: Normandy

The Numbers Game
- Rating the Scenarios for the ASL Family of Games R.Gifford

The Black Sea Waltz
- Naval Movement Options in RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN J.Lutz

Sports Special
- Statis-Pro Football Becomes a Fad J.Gordon

A Decade of Shuffling Along
- UP FRONT Celebrates its 19th Anniversary D.Hawthorne
- Two Scenarios
28-3/A3 The End in Sight. Battle at the Reichschancellery
28-3/B3 A Little Corner of Hell. Assault on Bastogne

Government Intervention in RAIL BARON
- A Variant for AH's Game of Empire Building S.Taylor, J.Brown, A.Marian

Gone But Not Forgotten...
- The World's Oldest Wargame [GO] P.Carroll

Computer Corner
- My Top Ten J.Huff

A Fond Friendship Renewed
- Re-Acquainting Oneself with THE RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN A.Kritzer

Eastern Skies
- An AIR FORCE Variant A.Visegrady
- Six New Aircraft data cards:
CR-42, Heja, Ju-86, Ca-135, He-26, I-16

Question Box
- Turning Point: Stalingrad, Up Front

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.