General Magazine - Panzerarmee Afrika

General Vol.22, No.1 1985
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Sales price £4.95

Good Condition - includes Victory Games Insider.

General Vol.22, No.1 1985


- Contest 125 (PanzerArmee Afrika)
- unmounted variant counters (Op Compass AFRIKA CORPS)
- Victory Insider #8 (last issue)


Over Burning Sands
- A Tour Through PANZERARMEE AFRIKA B.Medrow

To The Borderline
- Opening Strategies for PANZERARMEE AFRIKA R.Martin

Two Steps To TOBRUK
- More Realism for Hexes War D.D.Grande

A Spreading Pool Of Treachery
- More Errata and Options for DWTK G.Rahman

Heavy Weapons For Trireme
- Arms Race in the Mediterranean, 300 BC R.Slesinski

Gunslinger By Mail
- Aim-6 Days, Range-1500 Miles J.Marvin

Playing The Angles
- Target Aspect Problems in TOBRUK L.Bird

Married To A Gamer
- Things My Mother Never Told Me G.Brennan

The Compleat Diplomat
- Russia's Two-Front Problem R.Walker

Drop Zone - Malta
- A Look at the Small Scenario S.Gore

The Mediterranean Strategy Revisited
- Alternative British Opening Strategy D.Hablanian

Operation Compass
- A Variant for AFRIKA KORPS A.Blumberg

- Playing the Land of the Pharoahs [CIV] S.Llewellyn

Germany: The Mediterranean Strategy
- Play on the Southern Front N.Palmer

The Question Box
- Panzerarmee Afrika, War at Sea, Third Reich

The New Red Dawn
- Russian Strategy in NATO D.Croxton

The Sword ant the Juggernaut
- The NLF Offensive in VIETNAM G.Windau

Fire in the East
- German Strategy on HELL'S HIGHWAY S.Jackson

Victory Insider Article Index (issues 1-8)

The 82nd and the 101st
- American Airborne Strategy in HELL'S HIGHWAY D.Vivian

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.