Fire & Movement

#63 - Europe Aflame

Europe Aflame (TSR) - T.Bleck

Anthology 3: WW2 Eastern Front wargames (part 2)

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#63 - Europe Aflame
Europe Aflame (TSR) - T.Bleck
Anthology 3: WW2 Eastern Front wargames (part 2)
Imperium Romanum (WEG) - D.Perlmutter
Central America (VG) - D.Grunbaum
player's notes / expanding front:
MBT (AH) - R.Jongeling
TacAir (AH) - J.Setear
comp: Balance of Power (Crawford) - B.Humphrey
comp: Universal Military Simulator (Rainbird) - B.Humphrey
comp: Vive L'Empereur (SSI) - O.DeWitt

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.