Europa Magazine


- Total War – “COMPANY BRIEFING: Total War” (Commentary) Winston Hamilton

- “FROM THE EDITOR: Introductions” (Commentary) David H. Lippman

- War in the Desert – “INSIDE EUROPA:
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- Total War – “COMPANY BRIEFING: Total War” (Commentary) Winston Hamilton
- “FROM THE EDITOR: Introductions” (Commentary) David H. Lippman
- War in the Desert – “INSIDE EUROPA: Turkey and War in the Desert” (Discussion) John Astell
- “INSIDE EUROPA: Thoughts on the Partisans” (Discussion) John Astell with Mark Royer
- “HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: Yugoslavia 1941-1945” (Historical) David H. Lippman
- Balkan Front – “EUROPA VARIANT: Neutral Yugoslavia” (Variant) Frank Watson
- Balkan Front – “BATTLEFIELD REPORT: Beleaguered Greece” (Series Replay) Ed Dickenson
- “TEM INDEX: The Balkans in The Europa Magazine” (Insert) GR/D Staff
- Balkan Front – “BATTLEFIELD REPORT: An Italian Blitzkrieg?” (Series Replay) Sven-Ake Bengtsson
- Balkan Front – “HOME FRONT - BALKAN FRONT: Halt! Who Goes Where? Examining the Hungarian Operational Area” (Strategy) Joe Pyland
- Second Front/Balkan Front/War in the Desert – “A EUROPA BATTLE SCENARIO: The Dodecanese Campaign, Disaster in the Aegean - September to November, 1943” (Scenarios) David Hughes
- “EUROPA AS HISTORY: Dodecanese Adventure” (Historical) Frank Watson
- “EUROPA SIDE TRIPS: At the Movies, About the Dodecanese” (Discussion) GR/D Staff
- Balkan Front – “EUROPA BATTLE SCENARIO: The Macedonian War - Bulgaria Invades Yugoslavia, 1940” (Scenarios) Frank Watson
- Balkan Front – “PLAY AIDS: Balkan Front Expanded Sequence of Play” (Variant) Martin Duke
- Balkan Front/Fire in the East/Scorched Earth – “BATTLEFIELD REPORT: The Balkan Front Small Solution” (Series Replay) Ralf Schultz
- Balkan Front – “A EUROPA VARIANT: Crete Solitaire” (Variant) Frank Watson
- “EUROPA AT SEA: German Light Cruisers” (Historical) David Tinny
- Second Front – “HOME FRONT - SECOND FRONT: An Alternative Naval Replenishment” (Variant) Peter Rogers
- “EUROPA ALOFT: Under Six Flags - The Bristol Blenheim I” (Historical) James A. Broshot
- Balkan Front – “RULES COURT: Balkan Front Q&A” (Discussion) Rich C. Velay and Rich Gayler
- Balkan Front – “RULES COURT: Balkan Front Errata, 1 December, 1997” (Errata) GR/D Staff
- “THE READER ALWAYS GETS THE LAST WORD: EXchange” (Commentary) Readership

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.