Europa Magazine


- “COMPANY BRIEFING: Oh, I Got Troubles” (Commentary) Winston Hamilton

- “FROM THE EDITOR: What is Europa Magazine” (Editorial) Frank Watson

- Second Front – “THE WAY OF
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- “COMPANY BRIEFING: Oh, I Got Troubles” (Commentary) Winston Hamilton
- “FROM THE EDITOR: What is Europa Magazine” (Editorial) Frank Watson
- Second Front – “THE WAY OF THE ACCOUNTANT - PART III: Defending the MTO in Second Front” (Strategy) Rich Velay
- Their Finest Hour – “A EUROPA VARIANT: Their Finest Hour - A Second (Front) Look at Their Finest Hour” (Variant) Chris Riches
- Scorched Earth – “SCORCHED EARTH: Adding Spices to the Borscht - Soviet Destroyers for the Eastern Front” (Variant) Mark Swenholt and Jason Long
- Scorched Earth – “SCORCHED EARTH/GRAND EUROPA: Stalin's Wartime Submarine Fleet” (Historical) Keith Jacobs
- Scorched Earth – “GRAND EUROPA: Soviet Ship Yards” (Historical) John Astell, James Broshot and Keith Jacobs
- Second Front – “A EUROPA VARIANT: SECOND FRONT - Naval-Lite, A Second Look at the Second Front Naval System” (Variant) Alan Tibbets
- “ORDERS OF BATTLE/GRAND EUROPA: Royal Navy Order of Battle - September 1939 to December 1940” (Historical) Alan Philson
- Scorched Earth – “SCORCHED EARTH: OPERATIONS - Soviet Naval Operations” (Strategy) Trey Nelson
- Second Front – “SECOND FRONT: "Rapid-fire" Naval Gunnery - Reducing Die Rolls on the Second Front Seas” (Variant Discussion) Frank Watson
- Second Front – “EUROPA RULES COURT: Second Front Naval System Q & A” (Discussion) Rich C. Velay
- “THE READER ALWAYS GETS THE LAST WORD: EXchange” (Commentary) Readership

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.