Von Moltke's Triumph: Fall of the Second Empire, 1870 (Boxed)
Boxed Version. Two-player game simulating the first decisive campaign of the Franco-Prussian War.
Boxed Version.
Von Moltke's Triumph: Fall of the Second Empire, 1870 is a two-player game simulating the first decisive campaign of the Franco-Prussian War. Under Helmuth von Moltke the Elder, the German states used superior logistics, advanced artillery, and a strategy of envelopment to terrorize the sluggish and unprepared French. Historically, it ended with the capitulation and capture of Napoleon III after a mere five weeks. By designer Tom Russell (Blood on the Alma), the game slants historically but is intended for competitive play: the French will almost always lose the war, but a good French Player can win the game.
Game Components:
- 8-Page Rulebook
- 88 Double-Sided, 5-8" Counters and Markers
- 33" x 17" Game Board (Printed on Three 17" x 11" Sheets)
Game Features:
- Supply Checks and Attrition
- Mobilization
- French Entrenchment
- Infantry and Cavalry Unit Types
- Artillery Points
- Step Loss/Retreat Combat Results
- Surrender Combat Result
- Army of Chalons
- Railroad Movement
- Reinforcements
- Logistics