Rally Point: ASL Scenario Pack - The 1940 Campaign in the West

Latest 2017 issue of Rally Point (#14).
Base price with tax
Sales price £19.95

Includes ASL Scenarios from The Tampa ASL Group (2017). Action in Belgium, France & The Netherlands.


RP 131: Boot's Scoot and Boogie

RP 132: Probe Toward The Hague

RP 133: The Recapture of Ockenburg

RP 134: Von Sponeck's Woods

RP 135: The Outpost Line

RP 136: La Riposte Vaine

RP 137: Chateau Gandelu

RP 138: The Chivres Shivaree

RP 139: Mauled at Merdorp

RP 140: Warwickshire at Wormhouldt

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.