Indian Ocean Adventure: The Japanese Raids on Ceylon, 1942

Very good condition punched copy
Simulates the Japanese raid on the British bases in Ceylon in early 1942
Sales price £44.95
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Indian Ocean Adventure, designed by Marc Miller and released in 1978 by Game Designers Workshop, simulates the Japanese raid on the British bases in Ceylon in early 1942 and uses the same basic concepts and rules used by the designer in his previous games, Coral Sea and Battle for Midway.

It includes special design features to simulate the fluidity of modern naval actions dominated by aircraft rather than surface gunfire, including turn segments decided by an initiative factor and local weather variations, so common in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

Each counter represents a single capital ship or about 8 aircraft.

Complex features such as aircraft maintenance and efficiency of land airfields are represented in the game rules.

This is an unusual subject.

There certainly aren't many games that contain Fulmars, Albacores and Walrus in the counter mix.

The game includes:
240 counters, printed on one side only
A 22" x 28" mapsheets
A Rule Book
Player aids and charts
A pad of combination Ship Status and Location Chart sheets