Campaigns of the Civil War: Vicksburg and Chancellorsville

Campaigns of Vicksburg and Chancellorsville
New shrink wrapped copy, slight denting of box
Sales price £14.95
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New shrink wrapped copy, slight denting of box

Campaigns of the Civil War: Vicksburg and Chancellorsville is a wargame that simulates two critical events of the American Civil War through a game system with a map divided into strategic squares.

While this game is designed especially for solitaire play, it can accommodate a second player.

Individual counters represents divisions, brigades, leaders, ironclads, transports and a handful of companies and battalions deployed in probing operations.

A Combat Results Table (CRT) and a six-sided die is used to resolve combat.

An 8-page rulebook and 17"x22" double-sided map are also used.