Panzer Grenadier: Blue Division

When Nazi armies launched their sneak attack on the Soviet Union in June 1941, Spanish fascists exulted. Still nursing deep hatreds from the Soviet role in the Spanish Civil War.
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When Nazi armies launched their sneak attack on the Soviet Union in June 1941, Spanish fascists exulted. Still nursing deep hatreds from the Soviet role in the Spanish Civil War, thousands volunteered to fight alongside the Germans. Spanish dictator Francisco Franco organized them into a “Blue Division” to carry the fight to the Russians and, not coincidentally, send the most politically active fascists far away from Madrid.

Blue Division is a supplement to the Panzer Grenadier series, focusing on the actions of this unit between 1941 and 1943. Organized as a standard German infantry division, the Spanish unit fought well in some of the hardest fighting of the campaign. This module is not playable by itself, but requires ownership of Eastern Front and Road to Berlin to play all of the scenarios.

All the new pieces represent Spanish volunteer forces: infantry, ski, engineer, motorcycle, bicycle and machine-gun troops; anti-tank guns, mortars and artillery, and of course leaders. Scenarios cover actions of these units between their arrival on the Eastern Front in October, 1941 and their departure almost exactly two years later.

Each scenario is fully laid out on its own scenario card rather than the booklet used in most of our games