Wallace's War

Centered in the Scottish War of Independence, William Wallace, the Braveheart of legend, faces the real task of defeating the English on the medieval battlefield.
Sales price £39.95
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Centered in the Scottish War of Independence, William Wallace, the Braveheart of legend, faces the real task of defeating the English on the medieval battlefield.

His greatest victory; Stirling Bridge, 11 September 1297, pits him and the Scottish rebels against the larger, professional English army of the Earl of Surrey. Luring the English across the bridge, Wallace and Moray strike hard when only half of the English had crossed. Three scenarios explore the historical situation.

His greatest defeat; Falkirk, 22 July 1298, once again pits Wallace, now Guardian of Scotland, against the English led by Edward I (Longshenks) himself. Falkirk would be a great English victory but at the cost of much blood... and would herald the age of the longbow in English history. Based on the Baron's War system, Wallace's War focuses on the command and weaponry of the medieval battlefield.

"Wallace's War is the second game in the medieval game series (the other is Baron's War) and this time focuses on William Wallace and his two major battles, Stirling Bridge and Falkirk. The system has been cleaned up considerably by Frank Hastege (who did yeoman's work on the rules). The goal of the series is to create a platform on which to re-create the medieval battlefield. The system is meant to reflect the problems that leaders of the time had. One special focus is the control one has on the battlefield. Once the battle started the leader had the problem of how to change his initial plan if things started to go poorly."

-- Rob Markham, Designer


Rulesbook including historical commentary
281 counters and markers
Two 17" x 23" maps
Cardstock Charts
Dice necessary for gameplay
Game plays to completion in an evening. For 2 players or solitaire.