Charlemagne Dark Ages in Europe

Covering the rise of the Frankish Empire in the 8th-9th centuries AD
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Charlemagne is a game covering the rise of the Frankish Empire in the 8th-9th centuries AD under the leadership of Carl the Great - Carolus Magnus or Charlemagne.

In this period, the Franks unified Western Europe and established the foundations for later Medieval civilization.

Charlemagne is a two-player game.

The Empire player controls the forces of the Frankish Kingdom, its allies, and client states.

The Tribal player controls the forces of various competing kingdoms and tribes.

Players must use a combination of military strength and cunning to maintain and increase their power.

The Franks have the advantage of unity and a central position.

The Tribal player controls a shifting coalition of forces.

The game system was also used in Xenophon (S&T #203) and Belisarius (S&T #210).


Boldness is Required: Norway 1940 John Burtt

Charlemagne & the Unification of

Dark Ages Europe Joseph Miranda


The Battle of La Souffel LTC Bill Gray

The Battle of Wavre George Nafziger

The More Modern War: Grant, Sherman,

Sheridan & the End of the Civil War David Nicholas

The Organization of the German

Army in the Era of National Mobilization Jim Bloom

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.