C3I Magazine #7 - The Great Battles of Epaminondas

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Game Module

6 Great Battles of Epaminondas
An official designer's module for Alexander Deluxe featuring the battles Leuctra and Mantinea.



11 Foundations of Victory: Reasons for Macedonian Supremacy
Alexander the Great's conquest of the Persian Empire has no parallel in Western Military history.

14 Equus Preview: Cavalry Battles of the Second Punic War
Equus will be released as an official SPQR battle module. Here is a preview of that module, plus one of the battles, Ticinus, 218BC.

16 Truceless War: Hamilcar Barca Puts Down a Mercenary Revolt
Four new SPQR battle scenarios: the battles Utica, 240BC; Hippacritae, 240BC; Tunis, 238BC; and Leptis, 238BC.

23 Invasion: Norway 1940
An after action report detailing the quick start invasion plan. Also, new naval rules and designer's notes by Kevin Boylan.

34 GMT Operational Series: The Best Laid Plans
Optional combat rules for Air Bridge to Victory, Silver Bayonet and Operation Shoestring.

41 Lost Victory: Force March Rules
These rules were taken out of the original rulebook, but many players have asked for them.

42 Optional Rules for Down In Flames Series
Wingman gunner attacks, air-to-ground rockets, and critical hits.

44 Typhoon! and Invasion: Norway
Rules clarifications by the designers.



2 From the Editor's Desk
3 Inside GMT
4 News & Info: In the Pipeline
40 GMT Games Ratings Chart
46 Letters to the Editor
47 Feedback Questions & Results
48 Opinion & Outlook