Schwerpunkt: A Forum of Independent ASL Scenario Design

Twelve scenarios, easy-to-read format, includes tournament-sized as well as medium-sized actions.
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This issue's booklet contains: Brook White's Beyond the Cardboard: The American Rifle Squad in ASL, as well as our trademark analyses and designer's notes for Scenarios SP217-SP228. Each of the 12 scenarios is printed on card stock in our easy-to-read format. The scenarios are in keeping with the Schwerpunkt tradition of tournament-sized as well as medium-sized actions. There's something is this pack for players of all experience levels!

SP217 The Go Devils: Ginsterhahn, Germany, 13 March1945: A platoon of M-36 GMC tank destroyers and a detachment of the 60th Infantry Regiment defend on boards 63 and 64 against a depleted German rifle company supported by six Jagdpanthers. Game length: 5 turns.

SP218 Varosliget Park: BUDAPEST, Hungary, 10 January 1945: Elements of 26th Dorobanti Regiment, Romanian 2nd Infantry Division valiantly defend their entrenchments against Hungarians of the 1st Company, Budapest Police Assault Battalion and their supporting antique L3/35(i) tankettes. This tournament scenario has a game length of 4.5 turns and is set on boards 6 and 65.

SP219 Play Havoc: CAPE TOROKINA, Bougainville, Northern Solomons, 1 November 1943: A Company, 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines is clearing Japanese pillboxes. Medal of Honor recipient, Sergeant Robert A. Owens charges to knock out a 75mm mountain gun supporting the Japanese 23rd Infantry Regiment defending on board 6a. This fast-playing tournament scenario has a game length of 3.5 turns.

SP220 Hoepner’s Edict: JANDRENOUILLE, Belgium, 13 May 1940: Panzer Regiment 35, Panzer Division 4 attacks on boards 59 and 61 to clear a hedgehog of the French 11e Régiment de Dragoons Portés, 3e Division Légère Mécanique reinforced by two S-35 Samoua tanks. This tournament-level scenario has a game length of 6 turns.

SP221 The Red Hammer: Konigsberg, East Prussia, 8 April 1945:The end is near for the Germans in East Prussia as a platoon of Russian ISU-152s and assault engineers from the 1st Guards Rifle Corps assaults the 93rd Panzer Grenadier Regiment and a hidden Hetzer defending fortified buildings at a railroad yard. This fast-playing 4.5 turn scenario is destined to be a tournament favorite.

SP222 Ivan and the Three Bears: KOBRYN, Poland, 23 June 1941: Mike Faulkner gives us another brilliantly titled gem. Elements of the 3rd Panzer Division attacks to clear the Russian 721st Motorized Infantry Regiment from a village, while simultaneously, trying to seize a bridge. With panzers, and motorcycles in a swirling vehicular melee BT-5s and T-26 M33s, there is plenty of action in this 5.5 turn tournamax-sized scenario set on boards 64 and 65.

SP223 Road Warriors: ULASZEJNOWKA, Ukraine, 8 July 1941: Tampa's own Hugh Downing returns to the Eastern Front to feature elements of the 13th Panzer Division attacking with armored cars and motorcycles to clear the board 3a village of stubborn group of Russian infantry with supporting BT-5 and T-26 tanks. Game Length is 4.5 turns.

SP224 The Crown of Thorn: Schloss THORN, Germany, 20 February 1945: Brook White designed this 4.5 turn, tournament scenario that features elements of the 94th Infantry Division and 10th Armored Division attacking with an M-8 armored car, M5A1, and M4A3(76)w tanks to clear the 286th Volkgrenadiers and their reinforcing Hetzer from the village on board 63.

SP225 Sunflowers Along the Kodyma: BALTA, Ukraine, 3 August 1941: Randy Thompson designed this tournament-level Eastern Front action that features Germans from the 744th Engineer Regiment attacking to clear elements of the Balta Garrison from the town on board 46. Game length: 4.5 turns.

SP226 Grave Decision: TULA, Russia, 30 October 1941: Mike Augustine returns with an Eastern Front masterpiece. Elements of the Grossdeutschland Infantry Regiment attacks to clear the fanatic Tula Workers Infantry Regiment from the buildings and cemetery on boards 21 and 49. Game length: 5.5 turns.

SP227 Party Boys: Carpiquet, France, 5 July 1944: Elements of the 12th SS Panzer Division with three Panther tanks attack to clear a village of a stubborn group of Canadian infantry from the North Shore Regiment. World-renowned scenario designer, Pete Shelling, triumphantly returns with this 5.5 turn scenario, set on half-boards 10, and 43.

SP228 Booster Shot: VRUTKY, Slovakia, 5 September 1944: Pete Shelling rounds out our 2013 issue of Schwerpunkt with an Eastern Front action that features elements of the German 187th Panzer Grenadier Regiment defending with anti-tank guns and PzIVs against the Slovak 1st Defense Region and its supporting PzIIINs and a Marder. This action-packed, 5.5 turn scenario is set on boards w and 24.

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