Thunder at the Crossroads (1st Ed.) : The Battle of Gettysburg

The Battle of Gettysburg, July 1863.
This is the 1st Edition published in 1988
Excellent un- punched copy,
Base price with tax £44.95
Sales price £38.95
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This is the 1st Edition published in 1988

Excellent un- punched copy,

The Battle of Gettysburg, July 1863.

"On the evening of July 1st. 1863, George Gordon Meade mounted his horse for the short ride north to the small Pennsylvania town of Gettysburg. Fighting had broken out early that morning. Meade had shifted the assorted corps of the Army of the Potomac northward to that town. General Reynolds was reported down. Hancock had the field in hand (he hoped) and Meade was now moving his headquarters to that fateful field. In the few days since being thrust into command of the Army of the Potomac, Meade had gained full control and would now direct it toward what was to be its single most important battle.

Turning back R.E. Lee's second invasion of the North, Meade would end the Southern general's significant offensive capabilities. For the North. it was the beginning of the march which would eventually win the war."

Each hex on the game map equals 200 yards of real terrain. Each day-time turn represents 30 minutes, each night turn one hour. The vertical scale between contours is 30 feet.
Infantry and cavalry units are brigades, artillery units usually 16 gun battalions. A strength point of infantry or cavalry is 100 men. A gun point of artillery is roughly 3 cannons.[...]

Orders are the heart of the main command system of this game series. Players prepare orders in writing as instructions to the corps (generally) as to what they are to do. An order is not a hex by hex record of movement. It is the actual wording in the same form as the historical orders."

Med/high complex, 500+ counters, 2 maps, 2-6 players, 18+ hours. 1988 edition.

Issue Number
Magazine issue number.