The Confederate Rebellion (Folio)

Folio Version. A game by award-winning designer David Kershaw, The Confederate Rebellion is a grand strategy solitaire simulation of the American Civil War.
Sales price £44.95
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Folio Version. 

The Confederate Rebellion is a solitaire game (with optional two player rules) on the American Civil War. The game is based on ACW Solitaire but contains updated and new rules, clarifications, new artwork, and new scenarios.

In the solitaire game, the player controls the Union forces and the Rebellion is controlled by an AI. The game takes place over an unspecified number of turns. Play continues until either the victory or defeat conditions are met.

Each turn follows this sequence of play:

1. Union Build Phase: The Union player builds units (Armies, Gunboats, General, Fleet, Forts) during this phase. In addition, a Union General may be sacked. 
2. Union Move Phase: Union units may move Regions this phase. 
3. Union Combat Phase: Any combat resulting from Union movement is resolved. 
4. Rebel Build Phase: The Rebels may build units as permitted by certain circumstances. 
5. Rebel Move Phase: Rebel Generals may move as permitted by die roll. 
6. Rebel Combat Phase. Any combat resulting from Rebel movement is resolved.

The goal of the game is to prevent the Rebellion from having resources available to build and maintain their army. Once this achieved, the Union player wins. If the Rebellion ever controls four Union areas or Washington DC, the Union player loses.

Game Components:

  • 120 Two-sided Counters and Markers
  • 8-Page Rulebook
  • 17" x 11" Game Board
  • Double-Sided Scenarios Sheet

Game Features:

  • Build, Move and Combat Phases
  • Sacking Union Generals
  • Fleet and River MovementLand and Gunboat Combat
  • Fort Neutralization
  • Three Scenarios: 1862, 1863, and 1864
  • Rebel Blockade Runners and Commerce Raiders
  • Cavalry Units
  • The McClellan Rule
  • Two-Player Rules