The Battle of Monmouth

Excellent unpunched copy, content well looked after by previous owner in a great condition.
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Excellent unpunched copy, content well looked after by previous owner in a great condition.

The battle of Monmouth, June 28 1778, was the last major fight in the northern theater, during the American Revolutionary War, and largest one-day battle of the whole war, for the number of men involved.

Gen. Washington attacks Lt. Gen Henry Clinton's rearguard at Monmouth Court House.

The legend of Molly Pitcher is generally associated with this battle.

The game uses Wellington's Victory's system, modified for the American Revolution era.

No cavalry charges and complex rules.

The main aspects of the rules include unit facing, morale modified by casualties received, command control and fatigue due to hot temperatures during the battle.

Victory is determined by eliminating enemy strength points and capturing the 4 crossroads in the battle area.

Map terrain has five levels in increments of 30 feet, with each hex spanning 100 yards side to side.

Each infantry unit represents a regiment (or several regiments for some Colonial units); each artillery unit represents a battery of two guns; each dragoon unit represents a regiment of cavalry.

Turns represent 20 minutes of real time.

Three scenarios are provided: one introductory involving the hedgerow battle, and two advanced covering Monmouth Courthouse and the Grand Battle.


S&T #90 1/82

'73 War: The Arab-Israeli Conflict Col. T.N. Dupuy
Battle of Monmouth: The Colonies
Take the Offensive Dr. David G. Martin
Briefings Editors
FYI Editors
Simulation: Battle of Monmouth Dr. D.G. Martin, L. Millman, E.L. Smith, R.A. Simonsen

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